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Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Which toothpaste should you buy for your child?
If you’re a parent you already know what a daunting task it is to make your children brush their teeth everyday and that too twice a day....

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Does your child suck their thumb, finger or pacifiers?
We all know being a parent isn’t an easy job and to top that if your baby/child sucks their thumbs or pacifier all the time what do you...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
How to make your child’s dental visits stress free??
We all know visiting the Dentist is stressful for both parents and their kids. Some children are eager to meet us but there are others...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Is your child refusing to brush his/her teeth?
Many parents complain my kids are not brushing at all and ask how they can motivate them to brush. Mornings can be tough especially when...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Are sweets the only culprits that cause cavities?
Expert advise from Dr. Shweta Bhatia. Specialist Pediatric Dentist.

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Scaling/Cleaning, Does it harm your teeth?
Time and again I have many parents asking if cleaning or scaling their teeth is really good for them and their children or will it result...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Do your kids brush their teeth? Are they using fluoridated tooth paste??
I see many children on a daily basis in my Dental clinic who either don’t brush often enough or don’t brush at all. Some parents are...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Does your child suffer from Halitosis or Bad breath?
Bad breath or Halitosis is a very common condition that can be treated easily. If your child wakes up in the morning and has bad breath...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
What do you do if your child has a Toothache?
One of the most common reasons parents bring in their kids to my Pediatric dental clinic is when their child complains of a toothache....

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Dental Trauma & Emergency Dental Care for Kids.
Spring holidays are here and it is time for kids to have fun. Most of the dental injuries happen while kids play in parks, ride bicycles...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Does your child suffer from Early Childhood Caries?
I see many pediatric patients with early childhood caries every week. Majority of the parents are unaware that milk teeth are important...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
How to protect your child from tooth decay?
According to WHO 60% to 90% of school children worldwide have dental cavities. Tooth decay which can have a significant impact on the...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Are baby teeth Important?
Parents in general are unaware that milk teeth are important for their child’s dental health. They feel these are temporary teeth and...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Until what age should you assist your child in brushing his/her teeth?
As a Pediatric Dentist, I always come across curious parents who are keen to know if they should assist or only instruct their child in...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Is your child ready for his/her first dental visit?
Parents are always curious to know when to take their child for his first dental appointment. A child gets his first baby tooth at the...

Dr. Shweta Bhatia
Foods that can help oral health
You’d probably agree that there are foods that can cause cavities. Avoiding sugary sodas and candies is just one way to slow down the...
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